







    博士论文: From TPACK-in-Action Workshops to English Classrooms: CALL Competencies Developed and Adopted into Classroom Teaching (Funded by NSC Taiwan, NSC 101-2511-S-110 -004)



  • Liu, KP., Tai, SJ.D. (Corresponding Author) & Liu, CC. (2018). Enhancing language learning through creation: the effect of digital storytelling on student learning motivation and performance in a school English course. Educational Technology Research &  Development Journal, retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-018-9592-z. 2/2讯作者

  • Liu, C.-C., Chen, Y.-C. & Tai, S. -J. D. (Corresponding Author) (2017). A social network analysis on elementary student engagement in the networked creation community. Computers & Education, Volume 115, 114-125.3/3 作者

  • Liu, C.-C., Wang, P.-C. & Tai, S. -J. D. (Corresponding Author) (2016). An analysis of student engagement patterns in language learning facilitated by Web 2.0 technologies. ReCALL, 28(2), 104-122. 3//3作者

  • Tai, S.-J. D (2015). From TPACK-in-Action Workshops to English Classrooms: CALL Competencies Developed and Adopted into Classroom Teaching. Language Learning and Technology, 19(1), 139-164.1/1



一、以培养具有创新能力的新工科人才为目标的先进教育技术手段与学生中心导向的英语课程改革 (新工科研究与实践教改项目校级普通)

二、进阶英语Advanced English (PBL Approach)校级精品在线)